Explore the map

Using the mouse

You can use a mouse to move around and explore the map.

Map action Use this tool... ...and do this
Re-center the map Pan tool
Pan tool
Click on the Pan tool in the Toolbar, then click and drag the map to move it.
Zoom in Mouse wheel
Mouse wheel
Scroll the mouse wheel forward or up to zoom in. Each wheel click will zoom the map along a pre-set scale interval shown in the upper left corner of the Map Screen.
Left mouse
Left-mouse button
Double-click the left mouse button to zoom in. Each double-click will zoom the map along a pre-set scale interval shown in the upper left corner of the Map Screen.
Shift+Left mouse
Left-mouse button
Hold the Shift key down, then hold the left mouse button down and drag to draw a rectangle. The map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle.
Zoom in tool
Zoom in tool
Click on the zoom-in tool in the Toolbar, then:
  • Click and drag to draw a rectangle on the map: the map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle.
  • You cannot zoom to any larger scale than 1:600 on the map, which is the pre-set limit.
Zoom-level control
Click the up arrow on the zoom level control to zoom in at a pre-set interval. There are black tics between the up and down arrows, which are clicked to zoom to a specific scale.
Zoom out Mouse wheel
Mouse wheel
Scroll the mouse wheel backward or down to zoom out. Each wheel click will zoom the map along a pre-set scale interval shown in the upper left corner of the Map Screen.
Zoom out tool
Zoom out tool
Click on the zoom-out tool in the Toolbar, then:
  • Click and drag to draw a rectangle on the map: the map will zoom out so that the current map area will fit into the rectangle drawn. The smaller the rectangle you draw, the more the map will zoom out.
Zoom-level control
Click the down arrow on the zoom level control to zoom out at a pre-set interval. There are black tics between the up and down arrows, which are clicked to zoom to a specific scale.
Zoom out to full map Zoom full extent
Zoom full extent
Click on the full extent image in the Toolbar. The map will zoom all the way out to the full map extent.