Fault (by Type) (0)
| 0 |
| Thrust |
| Normal |
| Reactivated |
| Strike Slip |
| Overturned Anticline |
| Overturned Syncline |
| Synformal Anticline |
| Antiformal Syncline |
Fault (by Certainty) (1)
| Approximate |
| Certain |
| Inferred |
| Not Certain |
Structure (Strike and Dip) (2)
Fossils (3)
| Carnivorous,prosauropod, crocodile prints |
| Fish beds |
| Fish,lizards,phytosaur,sauropod prints |
| Olenellus trilobite |
| Phytosaur, coelacanth |
| Trilobites,conodonts |
| Trilobites? |
| crocodile,bird footprints |
Rock Class (4)
| Igneous |
| Igneous extrusive |
| Igneous intrusive |
| Metasedimentary |
| Metasedimentary,volcanic |
| Metavolcaniclastic |
| Sedimentary |
Surficial (5)
Lithology (6)
| CZmg, Metagraywacke |
| CZms, Schist |
| Ca, Meta-arkose |
| Ccp, Phyllite |
| Cf, Limestone |
| Ch, Metasiltstone phyllite |
| Cl, Phyllite |
| Clc, Quartz, conglomerate |
| Ct, Dolostone |
| Cw, Quartzite |
| Cwl, Quartzite |
| Cwm, Quartzite |
| Cwu, Quartzite |
| JTRc, Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate, shale |
| JTRcg, Conglomerate, sandstone |
| JTRtm |
| JTRtm, Arkosic sandstone |
| JTRtm, Carbonate, conglomerate, siltstone |
| JTRtm, Conglomerate, sandstone |
| JTRtm, Diabase cumulate |
| JTRtm, High-titanium diabase |
| JTRtm, Sandstone, siltstone |
| JTRtm, Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate, shale |
| JTRtm, Shale, siltstone |
| Jd, Diabase |
| Jdc, Diabase cumulate |
| Jdg, Granophyric diabase |
| Jdh, High-titanium diabase |
| Jdl, Low-titanium diabase |
| Jhg, Basalt |
| Jhgs, Sandstone, siltstone |
| Jm, Siltstone, sandstone, shale, conglomerate |
| Jmc, Conglomerate arkose |
| Jmz, Basalt |
| Js, Basalt |
| Jss, Sandstone, siltstone |
| Jtr, Sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate, shale |
| Jtrc, Conglomerate |
| TRbl, Carbonate conglomerate siltstone |
| TRbs, Sandstone, siltstone |
| TRbsh, Shale, siltstone |
| TRmp, Arkosic sandstone |
| TRmr, Conglomerate |
| Ybg |
| Ybg, Biotite, granite, gneiss |
| Yc, Charnockite |
| Yg, Leucocratic metagranite |
| Ygt, Garnetiferous leucocratic metagranite |
| Yhm, Hornblende, monzonite, gneiss |
| Ylg, Layered granitic gneiss |
| Ymb, Biotitic Marshall metagranite |
| Ymc, Coarse metagranite |
| Yml, Pink leucocratic metagranite |
| Yn, Metanorite and metadiorite |
| Yp, Paragneiss |
| Ypg, Porphyroblastic metagranite |
| Yt |
| Zc, Metabasalt |
| Zcb, Metabasalt breccia |
| Zcm, Marble |
| Zcp, Phyllite |
| Zcr, Metarhyolite |
| Zcs, Metasiltstone metasandstone |
| Zfa, Meta-arkose |
| Zfc, Metaconglomerate |
| Zfs, Metamudstone |
| Zmd, Metadiabase dike |
| Zrd, Metarhyolite dike |
| Zrr, Alkali feldspar quartz syenite |
| Zsm, Marble |
| Zsp, Phyllite |
| Zss, Schist metasandstone |