Summary Statement:

This metadata summary applies exclusively to the data as it appears in this Loudoun County intranet/internet mapping application. To see the fully FGDC compliant version of this metadata click here.


Small scale digital data consists of mapping units of the various soil types found in Loudoun County, Virginia. A mapping unit typically consists of one or more major soils with minor soils, and is named for the major soils. The data were collected by digitizing manuscript maps derived from USDA soil maps and supplemented by both fieldwork and geological data.


Digital data are used to identify the mapping unit potential for a variety of uses in large areas, such as agriculture drainfield suitability, construction concerns, or development possibility. The information in this guide is NOT intended for use in determining specific use or suitability of soils for a particular site, due to mapping scale of 1:12000.

Supplemental Information:

Fieldwork for the soil survey was first conducted between 1947 and 1952. Soils were originally shown at the scale of 1:15840 and then redrafted by the County soil scientist to 1:12000; the data were redrafted a final time to fit Loudoun County's base map standard of 1:2400. Although the current data rely heavily on the original soil survey, there have been extensive field checks and alterations to the soil map based on current soil concepts and land use.

Data are stored in the corporate ArcSDE Geodatabase as a polygon feature class. The coordinate system is Virginia State Plane (North), Zone 4501, datum NAD83 HARN.

Maintenance and Update Frequency:

The data are updated as field site inspections or interpretation changes occur.

Completeness Report:

Features may have been eliminated or generalized due to scale and intended use. To assist Loudoun County, Virginia in the maintenance of the data, please provide any information concerning discovered errors, omissions, or other discrepancies found in the data.

Data Owner:

Department of Building and Development

Soil Codes:


Soil mapping unit code -see the Interpretive Guide to the Use of Soils Maps; Loudoun County, VA, which is located after the SLOPE code list


Steep Slopes are defined as any Slope Code = D or E (greater than 15%)

Slope classes in the Blue Ridge (Western Loudoun County) are:

A: 0 -   2%     NEARLY LEVEL
B: 2 -   7%     GENTLY SLOPING
C: 7 -   15%    SLOPING
D: 15 -  25%    MODERATELY STEEP
E: 25% +        STEEP

Slope classes in the Piedmont (Eastern Loudoun County) are:

A: 0 -    3%    NEARLY LEVEL
B: 3 -    8%    GENTLY SLOPING
C: 8 -    15%   SLOPING
D: 15 -   25%   MODERATELY STEEP
E: 25%+         STEEP


Hydric Soils are those that are wet at or near the ground surface for significant periods of the growing season. Hydric soils are one of the three parameters used to define wetlands. The other two parameters include Hydrology (actual perched or apparent water tables) and vegetation (plants identified to survive only or best in wet areas). This list of Hydric Soils should be used only as a guide since soils maps are not intended for site-specific purposes.

Mapping units that are dominantly Hydric Soils
    4A     Hatboro loam, 0 to 3 % slopes
    6A     Bowmansville silt loam, 0 to 3 % slopes
    66A    Waxpool silt loam, 0 to 3 % slopes
    69A    Elbert silty clay loam, 0 to 3 % slopes
    79A    Albano silt loam, 0 to 3 % slopes
    99A    Kinkora-Delanco complex, 0 to 3 % slopes
Mapping units that contain significant inclusions of Hydric Soils

    5A     Rowland silt loam, 0 to 3 % slopes 
    10B    Mongle loam, 0 to 7 % slopes 
    12B    Rohrersville cobbly loam, 1 to 7 % slopes 
    63A    Kelly silt loam, 0 to 3 % slopes 
    78A    Dulles silt loam, 0 to 3 % slopes 
    82B    Scattersville silt loam, 1 to 7 % slopes 
    98B    Clapham silt loam, 1 to 8 % slopes 

Data Owner:

Department of Building and Development



Loudoun County Cooperative Extension Office
1 Harrison St, SE
Leesburg, VA 20175
Alex C. Blackburn, Soil Scientist

Special thanks to the Office of Mapping and Geographic Information for assistance in updating this document and the soil maps

Updated 1998



Table of Contents...........I

Soil Series Mapping Unit Index...........vii


            General Soils Map...........3

                           Geologic Setting...........3
                           General Soil Map Unit Descriptions...........4

Types of Information Available...........11

                           Narratives and Manuscripts...........11
                           Use of Information in this Guide...........13

Map Symbols...........14

                            Selected Map Symbols Used in Updated County Maps...........14
                           Selected Mapping Unit Symbols Used in (1960) Published Report...........15

Mapping Unit Potential...........17

                            Mapping Unit Potential for Development...........17
                           Mapping Unit Potential for On-site Sewage Disposal...........24
                           Mapping Unit Potential for Agriculture...........26
                           Hydrologic Soil Groups...........29

Glossary of Terms Used in this Guide...........30

Summary of Soil Characteristics and Use Potentials...........37

Table -Summary of Soil Characteristics and Use Potential ...........(APPENDIX)

                2A Codorus silt loam, (0-3%) occasional flooding......................38

                3A Comus silt loam, (0-3%) occasional flooding..................38

                4A Hatboro loam, (0-3%)frequent flooding..............................38

                5A Rowland silt loam, (0-3%) occasional flooding......................38

                6A Bowmansville silt loam, (0-3%)occasional flooding...........39

                7A Huntington silt loam, (0-3%) occasional flooding......................39

                8A Lindside silt loam, (0-3%) occasional flooding......................40

                10B Mongle loam (0-7%) brief ponding............................................40

                12B Rohrersville cobbly loam, (1-7%) brief ponding......................40

                13B Morven silt loam, (1-8%).......................................................41

                14B Manassas silt loam, (1-8%).......................................................41

                17B Middleburg silt loam, (1-7%)............................................41

                20B Purcellville and Tankerville soils, (2-7%).................................42

                20C Purcellville and Tankerville soils, (7-15%)......................42

                20D Purcellville and Tankerville soils, (15-25%)......................42

                20E Purcellville and Tankerville soils, (25-45%)......................43

                23B Purcellville silt loam, (2-7%).......................................................43

                27C Airmont very flaggy loam, (7-15%)............................................43

                28B Eubanks loam, (2-7%).......................................................44

                28C Eubanks loam, (2-7%).......................................................44

                29B Eubanks loam, stony (2-7%)............................................44

                29C Eubanks loam, stony (7-15%)............................................44

                29D Eubanks loam, stony (15-25%)............................................45

                30C Tankerville and Philomont soils, (7-15%).................................45

                30D Tankerville and Philomont soils, (15-25%)......................45

                31B Philomont and Tankerville soils, (2-7%).................................46

                38B Swampoodle silt loam, (1-7%) brief ponding......................46

                40C Catoctin channery silt loam, (7-15%).................................47

                40D Catoctin channery silt loam, (15-25%).................................47

                40E Catoctin channery silt loam, (25-45%).................................47

                43B Myersville-Catoctin Complex, (2-7%).................................48

                43C Myersville-Catoctin Complex, (7-15%).................................48

                45B Fauquier silt loam, (2-7%).......................................................48

                45C Fauquier silt loam, (7-15%).......................................................48

                50C Stumptown flaggy loam, (7-15%)............................................48

                50D Stumptown flaggy loam, (15-25%)............................................49

                51E Stumptown-Rock outcrop complex, (25-45%)......................49

                52C Cardiff channery silt loam, (7-15%).................................49

                52D Cardiff channery silt loam, (15-25%).................................49

                52E Cardiff channery silt loam, (25-45%).................................50

                55B Glenelg silt loam, (2-7%).......................................................50

                55C Glenelg silt loam, (7-15%).......................................................50

                55D Glenelg silt loam, (15-25%).......................................................50

                59C Airmont loam, very rubbly (7-15%)............................................51

                60C Sycoline-Catlett complex, (7-15%)............................................51

                60D Catlett gravelly silt loam, (15-25%)............................................51

                60E Catlett-Rock outcrop complex, (25-45%).................................52

                62B Kelly- Sycoline complex, (3-8%)............................................52

                63A Kelly silt loam, (0-3%).......................................................52

                64B Legore loam, (3-8%)..................................................................52

                64C Legore loam, (8-15%).......................................................53

                64D Oakhill gravelly silt loam, very stony (15-25%)......................53

                65B Montalto silty clay loam, (3-8%)............................................53

                66A Waxpool silt loam, (0-3%) ponding............................................53

                67B Haymarket and Jackland soils, (2-8%).................................54

                67C Haymarket and Jackland soils, (8-15%).................................54

                68B Haymarket and Jackland soils, very stony (2-8%)...........54

                68C Haymarket and Jackland soils, very stony (8-15%)...........55

                69A Elbert silty clay loam, (0-3%) ponding.................................55

                70B Leedsville cobbly silt loam, (3-8%)............................................55

                70C Leedsville cobbly silt loam, (8-15%).................................56

                71B Panorama silt loam, (3-8%).......................................................56

                72C Birdsboro loam, (8-15%).......................................................56

                73B Penn silt loam, (3-8%).......................................................56

                73C Penn silt loam, (8-15%).......................................................56

                74B Ashburn silt loam, (1-8%).......................................................57

                76B Sudley-Oatlands complex, (3-8%)............................................57

                76C Oatlands gravelly silt loam, (8-15%).................................57

                76D Oatlands gravelly silt loam, (15-25%).................................57

                77C3 Nestoria gravelly silt loam, severely eroded (8-15%)...........58

                77D3 Nestoria gravelly silt loam, severely eroded (15-25%)...........58

                77E3 Nestoria gravelly silt loam, severely eroded (25-45%)...........58

                78A Dulles silt loam, (0-3%).......................................................59

                79A Albano silt loam, (0-3%) brief ponding.................................59

                80B Brentsville loam, (3-8%).......................................................59

                80C Brentsville loam, (8-15%).......................................................60

                81B Brumbaugh cobbly silt loam, (2-7%).................................60

                81C Brumbaugh cobbly silt loam, (7-15%).................................60

                82B Scattersville silt loam, (1-7%) brief ponding......................61

                83B Braddock cobbly loam, (2-7%)............................................61

                83C Braddock cobbly loam, (7-15%)............................................62

                84B Lucketts silt loam, (2-7%).......................................................62

                84C Lucketts silt loam, (7-15%).......................................................62

                88C Lew channery silt loam, stony (7-15%).................................62

                88D Lew channery silt loam, stony (15-25%).................................63

                89D Weverton very flaggy silt loam, (15-25%).................................63

                89E Weverton very flaggy silt loam, (25-45%).................................64

                90B Springwood silt loam, (3-8%)............................................64

                91B Springwood-Rock outcrop complex, (3-8%)......................64

                91C Springwood-Rock outcrop complex, (8-15%)......................65

                93B Hibler silt loam, (0-5%) rarely flooded.................................65

                94B Allegheny silt loam, (0-5%) rarely flooded.................................65

                95B Goresville gravelly silt loam , (0-5%).................................66

                98B Captina silt loam, (1-8%).......................................................66

                99A Kinkora-Delanco complex, (0-3%) rarely flooded......................66


Name of Soil Series     Occurs in Mapping Unit
Airmont Series          27C,59C

Albano Series           79A

Allegheny Series        94B

Ashburn Series          74B

Birdsboro Series        72C

Bowmansville Series     6A

Braddock Series         83B,C

Brentsville Series      80B,C

Brumbaugh Series        81B,C

Cardiff Series          53C,D,E

Catlett Series          60C,D,E

Catoctin Series         40C,D,E,43B,C

Clapham Series          98B

Codorus Series          2A

Comus Series            3A

Delanco Series          99A

Dulles Series           78A

Elbert Series           69A

Eubanks Series          28B,C,29B,C,D

Fauquier Series         45B,C

Glenelg Series          55B,C,D

Goresville Series       95B

Hatboro Series          4A

Haymarket Series        67B,C,68B,C

Hibler Series           93B

Huntington Series       7A

Jackland Series         67B,C,68B,C

Kelly Series            62B,63A

Kinkora Series          99A

Leedsville Series       70B,C

Legore Series           64B,C

Lew Series              88C,D

Lindside Series         8A

Lucketts Series         84B,C

Manassas Series         14B

Middleburg Series       17B

Mongle Series           10B

Montalto Series         65B

Morven Series           13B

Myersville Series       43B,C

Nestoria Series         77C3,77D3,77E3

Oakhill Series          64D

Oatlands Series         76B,C,D

Panorama Series         71B

Penn Series             73B,C

Philomont Series        30C,D,31B

Purcellville Series     20B,C,D,E,22B,23B

Rohrersville Series     12B

Rowland Series          5A

Scattersville Series    82B

Springwood Series       90B,91B,C

Stumptown Series        50C,D,51E

Sudley Series           76B

Swampoodle Series       22B,38B

Sycoline Series         60C,62B

Tankerville Series      20B,C,D,E,30C,D,31B

Waxpool Series          66A

Weverton Series         89D,E


Soil scientists from Virginia Tech and the USDA Soil Conservation Service conducted the Soil Survey of Loudoun County (fieldwork) between 1947 and 1952. Soils were originally shown on 1938 aerial photography at a scale of 4"= 1 mile; soils were later redrafted to a scale of 1" = 1666' (1:20000) for publication in the USDA's Soil Survey of Loudoun County, Virginia, Series 1951, Number 8, which was issued in September 1960. This publication is out of print, and the supply of copies for public distribution has been exhausted. A revision of the soil survey for Loudoun County has been completed. The manuscript is currently undergoing technical review and publication of the final document is anticipated during the 1999 calendar year.

As part of the County's Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) mapping project, the soil survey maps were redrafted onto the County's base maps, at a scale of 1" = 200', then digitized. This information is available at the Office of Mapping and Geographic Information or through the County soil scientist in the Cooperative Extension Office . Although these updated soil maps rely heavily on the original soil survey, changes in both locations of mapping unit lines and mapping unit descriptions/interpretations have occurred. The soils map is continuously being updated based on field site inspections and therefore the soils map merely represents a point in time. Many new soil series concepts have been developed and the emphasis has changed from primarily agricultural use to include urban uses.

This report is geared to mapping unit potential for general uses. Mapping unit potential ratings attempt to describe the broad range of conditions found in any given mapping unit for the noted uses. For more site-specific soil interpretations contact the County Soil Scientist in the Cooperative Extension Office.


The general soil association map outlines broad areas that have distinctive patterns in landscape and general geographic appearance. Each of the soil associations has a unique set of features which effect general use and management including shape and length of slope; width of ridgetops and valleys; frequency, size, and direction of streams; type of vegetation, rate of growth; and agriculture. These differences are largely the result of broad differences in kinds of soils and in the geologic materials from which the soils formed. A mapping unit typically consists of one or more major soils with minor soils, and is named for the major soils.

This map shows, in small scale, a summary of the information contained on the individual detailed soil maps for Loudoun County. Because of its small scale and general soil descriptions, it is not suitable for planning small areas or specific sites, but it does present a general picture of soils in the County, and can show large areas generally suited to a particular kind of agriculture or other special land use. For more detailed and specific soils information, please refer to the detailed soils maps and other information available from the County Soil Scientist.


Loudoun County is in the northeastern part of Virginia. It is bordered on the north and east by the Potomac River, and on the west by the Blue Ridge Mountains. The eastern half of the County occurs in the Piedmont geologic province and the western half in the Blue Ridge geologic province; the footslopes of the Catoctin Ridge form the boundary line between the two (see Fronstpiece). Topography varies sharply in Loudoun, with elevations above sea level ranging from 180' to 1900'. Major drainage systems include Broad Run, Goose Creek, Catoctin Creek, Bull Run, and numerous minor tributaries to the Potomac. All of these drainage systems are part of the Potomac River Basin.

The Potomac River separates the County from Washington, Frederick, and Montgomery Counties in Maryland. To the west, Loudoun County is bounded by Clarke County, Virginia, and Jefferson County, West Virginia; to the south and to the east by Fairfax County, Virginia. Loudoun County has an area of 521 square miles, or 333,498 acres.

The Blue Ridge Anticlinorium is the structural control for western Loudoun. The Precambrian and Cambrian age metamorphosed rock materials present include crystalline gneisses, metadiabase, and metabasalt, as well as a host of metasedimentary rocks ranging from quartzite to phyllites. The ridge-formers are the white to yellowish-brown Quartzite and limey green to greenish-black metabasalts. The valley between the three major ridges (Blue Ridge, Short Hill Mountain, and Bull Run Mountain-Catoctin Ridge-Furnace Mountain) is underlain by gneisses and metasediments which have been intruded with this metadiabase and subsequently sheared in the metamorphic processes. This complexity of geologic materials, combined with geologic erosion, has led to the formation of a highly complex array of soils.

The Blue Ridge Anticlinorium is the structural control for western Loudoun. The Precambrian and Cambrian age metamorphosed rock materials present include crystalline gneisses, metadiabase, and metabasalt, as well as a host of metasedimentary rocks ranging from quartzite to phyllites. The ridge-formers are the white to yellowish-brown Quartzite and limey green to greenish-black metabasalts. The valley between the three major ridges (Blue Ridge, Short Hill Mountain, and Bull Run Mountain-Catoctin Ridge-Furnace Mountain) is underlain by gneisses and metasediments which have been intruded with this metadiabase and subsequently sheared in the metamorphic processes. This complexity of geologic materials, combined with geologic erosion, has led to the formation of a highly complex array of soils.

Rock materials on the extreme eastern edge of the County are mica schists of the Piedmont geologic province. These materials comprise a very small area of the County, and the soils formed are similar to those of the Harpers geologic formation in the Blue Ridge.


1.   Penn-Nestoria-Manassas Association

        This association consists primarily of well to moderately well drained, moderately deep and deep soils over red siltstones and fine-grained sandstone. It occurs on broad, undulating uplands with 
        steeper, more dissected areas along major drainageways. The association comprises 6% of the County and has elevations ranging from 220' to 360' above sea level. The major mapping units of this 
        association are Penn(73), Nestoria(77), and Manassas(14) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Ashburn(74), Dulles(78), and Albano(79) soils. The major soils have fair potential for most 
        agricultural uses, including woodland management. These soils have good potential for general development on central sewer and fair to poor potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. Depth to 
        rock, droughtiness, and seasonal water tables are major problems in this association.

2.   Albano-Dulles-Ashburn Association

        This association consists primarily of poorly to moderately well drained, moderately deep to deep soils over red siltstones and shales. It occurs on nearly level upland flats and depressions with little 
        dissection. This association comprises 6% of the County and has elevations ranging from 280' to 300' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Albano(79) soils, Dulles(78) 
        soils and Ashburn(74) soil. Mapping units of lesser extent include Penn(73), Nestoria(77), and Manassas(14) soils. The major soils have fair potential for row crops and woodland management. They 
        have poor to very poor potential for general development on central sewer or on-site sewage disposal systems. Seasonal water tables and clayey subsoils are the limiting factors in the use of this 
        association for either agricultural or engineering purposes.

3.   Brentsville-Nestoria Association

        This association consists primarily of well drained, shallow to moderately deep soils formed in residuum of interbedded Triassic arkosic sandstones, siltstones, and shales. It occurs on undulating to 
        rolling landscapes with moderate relief, but more dissected areas occur along larger drainageways. This association comprises 1% of the County, and has elevations ranging from 250' to 350' above 
        sea level. The major mapping units in this association are Brentsville(80), Nestoria(77), and Penn(73) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Manassas(14), Ashburn(74) and Albano(79) soils. 
        The major mapping units of this association have fair potential for agriculture, including woodland management. They have fair to good potential for general development on central sewer, but fair to poor 
        potential for septic tank drainfields. Depth to rock, droughtiness, and steep slopes are major problems in this association.

4.   Sycoline-Kelley-Catlett Association

        This association consists primarily of moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained, moderately deep to deep soils over hornfel and granulites. It occurs on nearly level to gently sloping 
        landscapes with low relief, with steeper, more dissected areas along large drainageways. This association comprises 5% of the County and has elevations ranging from 250' to 470' above sea level. 
        The major mapping units of this association are Sycoline-Kelly(62) Complex, Kelly(63) soils, Catlett(60) soils and Sycoline-Catlett Complex. Mapping units of lesser extent include Waxpool(66), 
        Haymarket-Jackland(67), Dulles(78) and Albano(79) soils. The major soils have fair potential for row crops and most tree species due to seasonal water tables. They have fair to poor potential for 
        general development on central sewer or on-site sewage disposal systems due to high shrink-swell clays and seasonal wetness.

5.   Goresville-Clapham-Birdsboro Association

        This association consists primarily of well to somewhat poorly drained, very deep soils developed in old alluvium on nearly level terrace positions along the Potomac River. The association comprises 
        1% of the County, and occurs on three distinct terrace levels with elevations ranging from 220' to 430' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Goresville(95), Clapham(98) and 
        Birdsboro(72) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Penn(73), Kinkora(99) and Manassas(14) soils. The Goresville and Birdsboro soils have fair to good potential for general development, on-site 
        sewage disposal systems and agricultural use. The Clapham soils have fair to poor potential for most uses due to high seasonal water tables and swelling clays.

6.   Haymarket-Elbert-Waxpool Association

        This association consists primarily of well to poorly drained, very deep soils formed in material weathered from diabase and basalt. It occurs on nearly level to gently sloping undulating landscapes 
        with low relief. This association comprises 6% of the County, and has elevations ranging from 290' to 430' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Haymarket-Jackland(67) 
        Complex, Elbert(69) and Waxpool(66) Soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Legore(64), Legore-Oakhill(64C) Complex and Montalto(65) soils. The major soils have fair to very poor potential for 
        most agricultural uses, including woodland management, and very poor potential for most urban uses. High shrink-swell clays and seasonal water tables are major problems.

7.   Legore-Oakhill-Montalto Association

        This association consists primarily of well-drained, deep to moderately deep soils formed in material weathered from diabase and basalt. It occurs on gently sloping to sloping convex landscapes and 
        landforms with rolling relief. This association comprises 2% of the County, and has elevations ranging from 250' to 450' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Legore(64), 
        Oakhill(64D), Legore-Oakhill(64D) Complex and Montalto(65) soils. Manassas(14), Jackland-Haymarket(67) and Elbert(69) soils are also found within this association, though to a lesser extent. The 
        major soils have good potential for pasture and hay crops or woodland management. They have fair to good potential for general development on central water and sewer or on-site sewage disposal 
        systems. High rock fragment content and depth to rock are major limiting factors.

8.   Rowland-Bowmansville-Kinkora Association

        This association consists primarily of moderately well to poorly drained, very deep soils developed from recent alluvium. Located along larger drainageways, this association comprises 2% of the 
        County and has elevations ranging from 180' to 300' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Rowland(5), Bowmansville(6), Delanco and Kinkora(99) soils. Mapping units of 
        lesser extent include Albano(79), Comus(2), Huntington(7) and Lindside(8) soils. The major soils have good potential for grassland agriculture, but very poor potential for general development on 
        central sewer or for on-site sewage disposal systems. Seasonal high water tables, low bearing capacity, and flooding are major problems.

9.   Morven-Lucketts-Springwood Association

        This association consists primarily of well-drained, very deep soils developed from residuum and mountain colluvium over residuum of calcareous conglomerates. It occurs on convex ridgecrests and 
        gentle side slopes in undulating landscapes. This association comprises 2% of the County and has elevations ranging from 250' to 450' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association 
        are Morven(13), Lucketts(84) and Springwood(90) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Penn(73), Sudley-Oatlands(76) complex, Braddock(83) and Brumbaugh(81) soils. The major soils have 
        good potential for most agricultural uses and most species of trees. They have fair to very poor potential for general development on central sewer and are poorly suited for on-site sewage disposal 
        systems. Sinkholes, rock outcrops, slowly permeable subsoils, and potential groundwater pollution are major problems in this association.

10.  Lindside-Huntington-Allegheny Association

        This association consists primarily of moderately well to well drained, very deep soils developed from recent alluvium. Located along larger drainageways, this association comprises 1% of the 
        County, and has elevations ranging from 180' to 250' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Lindside(8), Huntington(7), and Allegheny(94) soils. Mapping units of lesser 
        extent include Comus(2), Hatboro(4), Delanco and Kinkora(99) soils. The major soils have good potential for cropland agriculture, but very poor potential for general development on central sewer or 
        for on-site sewage disposal systems. Flooding, low bearing strengths and seasonal high water tables are major problems.

11.  Mongle-Codorus-Hatboro Association

        This association consists primarily of moderately well to poorly drained, very deep soils developed from recent alluvium. Located along larger drainageways, this association comprises 2% of the 
        County, and has elevations ranging from 180' to 300' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Mongle(10), Codorus(3) and Hatboro(4) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent 
        include Comus(2), Middleburg(17) and Lindside(8) soils. The major soils have good potential for grassland agriculture, but very poor potential for general development on central sewer or for on-site 
        sewage disposal systems. Seasonal high water tables, low bearing capacity, and flooding are major problems.

12.  Springwood-Rock Outcrop Association

        This association consists primarily of well-drained, very deep soils developed from residuum of calcareous conglomerates in complex with rock outcrops. It occurs on convex ridgecrests and gentle 
        side slopes in undulating landscapes. This association comprises 3% of the County and has elevations ranging from 250' to 450' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are 
        Springwood (90-91) soils, and Rock Outcrops. Mapping units of lesser extent include Morven(13), Lucketts(84), Braddock(83) and Penn(73). The major soils have good potential for grassland 
        agricultural uses and most species of trees. They have poor to very poor potential for general development on central sewer and are poorly suited for on-site sewage disposal systems. Sinkholes, 
        rock outcrops, slowly permeable subsoils, and potential groundwater pollution are major problems in this association.

13.  Braddock-Brumbaugh Association

        This association consists of well to moderately well drained, very deep, gravelly soils formed in old mountain colluvium. It occurs on rolling convex landforms that are well dissected. This association 
        comprises 3% of the county and has elevations ranging from 240' to 500' above sea level. The major mapping units in this association are Braddock(83) and Brumbaugh(81) soils. Mapping units of 
        lesser extent include Rohrersville(12) and Middleburg(17) soils. The major soils of this mapping unit have fair to good potential for agricultural use and woodland management, and good potential for 
        orchards. They have fair to good potential for general development on central sewer and fair potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. Slow substratum permeability and eroded surface soils are 
        major problems in this association.

14.  Sudley-Leedsville-Oatlands Association

        This association consists primarily of well-drained, very deep to moderately deep soils over red sandstones and conglomerates. It occurs on broad and narrow convex ridgetops and upper side slopes 
        in dissected rolling landscapes. This association comprises 4% of the county and has elevations ranging from 295' to 400' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Sudley-
        Oatlands(76) Complex, and Leedsville(70) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Manassas(14) and Penn(73) soils. The soils in this association have good potential for agricultural and 
        woodland management. The major soils have good potential for general development on central sewer and fair to good potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. Cobbles in the surface and depth 
        to rock are the problems in this association.

15.  Cardiff-Glenelg Association

        This association consists primarily of well drained moderately deep to very deep soils over quartz Muscovite schist and phyllites. It occurs in side slopes and ridgetops in rolling to steep landforms. 
        This association comprises 2% of the county and has elevations ranging from 400' to 900' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Cardiff(52) and Glenelg(55) soils. Mapping 
        units of lesser extent include Middleburg(17) soils. The major soils have poor to good potential for agriculture and woodland management. They have good potential for general development on central 
        sewer and for on-site sewage disposal systems. The major problems in this association are steep slopes, depth to rock and very low inherent fertility.

16.  Stumptown-Rock Outcrop Association

        This association consists primarily of well drained, moderately deep soils formed in residuum and slope creep of interbedded quartz and quartz Muscovite schist. It occurs on ridgetops, side slopes 
        and benches of the northern Blue Ridge, Short Hill, and Bull Run Mountains. This association comprises 4% of the county and has elevations ranging from 300' to 1300' above sea level. The major 
        mapping units of this association are Airmont(27, 59), Weverton(89) and Stumptown(50-51) soils. The major soils have poor potential for most agricultural uses and have fair potential for woodland 
        management. They have fair to very poor potential for general development on central sewer and have poor potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. Major problems in the association are steep 
        slopes, rough terrain, numerous stones and rock outcrops and depth to rock.

17.  Airmont-Scattersville-Rohrersville Association

        This association consists of well to moderately well drained to somewhat poorly drained, very deep, gravelly soils formed in old mountain colluvium. It occurs on rolling convex landforms that are 
        well dissected. This association comprises 2% of the County and has elevations ranging from 240' to 500' above sea level. The major mapping units in this association are Airmont(27,59), Scattersville(82), 
        and Rohrersville(12) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Weverton(89), Stumptown(50-51), Catoctin(40) and Cardiff(52) soils. The major soils of this mapping unit have poor potential for agricultural 
        use and good potential woodland management, and good potential for orchards. They have poor potential for general development on central sewer and on-site sewage disposal systems. Slow substratum permeability, 
        high water tables, and surface stones and boulders are major problems in this association.

18.  Catoctin-Myersville-Fauquier Association

        This association consists primarily of well to moderately well drained, moderately deep to deep soils over metabasalt. It occurs on upland ridges and side slopes with rolling to hilly landforms with high 
        relief. This association comprises 9% of the county and has elevations ranging from 450' to 850' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Myersville-Catoctin(43) Complex, Catoctin(40) 
        and Fauquier(45) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Rohersville(12), Fauquier(45), and Middleburg(17) soils. The major mapping units have fair to good potential for agricultural crops and good 
        potential for orchards, woodland management, and grassland agriculture. They have fair potential for general development on central sewer, and fair to poor potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. The 
        major problems in this association are depth to rock, steep slopes, and slowly permeable subsoils.

19.  Purcellville-Tankerville-Middleburg Association

        This association consists primarily of well to moderately well drained, deep to very deep soils over residuum of granite gneiss that has been intruded with many large to small metadiabase dikes. It occurs 
        on broad upland ridges in undulating landscapes with low relief. This association comprises 21% of the County and has elevations ranging from 450' to 550' above sea level. The major mapping units of this 
        association are Purcellville(23), Middleburg(17) and Purcellville-Tankerville(20) Complex. Mapping units of lesser extent include Swampoodle(22, 38), Philomont-Tankerville(30-31)complex, Mongle(10) and 
        Eubanks(28) soils. The major soils are the best agricultural soils in the county and have good potential for most agricultural uses. These soils have good potential for general development on central sewer 
        and fair to good potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. Depth to rock and landscape position are the problems in this association.

20.  Swampoodle-Purcellville Association

        This association consists of moderately well to poorly drained, deep or very deep soils in residuum and fluvium from crystalline rock of the Blue Ridge uplands. It occurs on nearly level to undulating 
        landforms with low relief. This association comprises 5% of the County and has elevations ranging from 250' to 500' above sea level. The major mapping unit of this association is the Purcellville-Swampoodle(22) 
        Complex and Swampoodle(38) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent are Middleburg(17) soils and Mongle(10) soils. The major soils of this association have fair potential for agricultural use, including woodland 
        management. They have good to very poor potential for general development on central sewer and for on-site sewage disposal systems. Major problems in this association are seasonal water tables and high 
        shrink-swell clay subsoils.

21.  Tankerville-Philomont Association

        This association consists primarily of well-drained, moderately deep to very deep soils developed from granite gneiss with narrow metadiabase dikes. It occurs on gently sloping and rolling landforms. 
        This association comprises 3% of the County and has elevations from 450' to 550' above sea level. The major mapping units of this association are Philomont-Tankerville(31) Complex and Middleburg(17) 
        soils. Mapping units of minor extent include Eubanks(28), and Purcellville-Tankerville(20) complex soils. The major soils have fair to good potential for agriculture and woodland management. They 
        have good potential for grassland agriculture. They have good potential for general development on central water and sewer and fair to good potential for on-site sewage disposal systems. Rock outcrop 
        and depth to rock are major problems in this association.

22.  Eubanks Association

        This association consists of well-drained, deep to very deep soils formed in residuum of undifferentiated metadiabase, granite gneiss, and charnockites of the Blue Ridge uplands. It occurs on 
        undulating and rolling landscapes with moderate relief. This association comprises 6% of the County and has elevations ranging from 600' to 800', above sea level. The major mapping units of this 
        association are Eubanks(28-29), Philomont Tankerville(30) and Middleburg(17) soils. Mapping units of lesser extent include Purcellville-Tankerville(20) Complex, Swampoodle(38) and Mongle(10) 
        soils. The major soils of this association have good potential for agriculture, woodland management, orchards, and most urban uses. Major problems are slow subsoil permeability in some areas 
        and surface stones in some areas.

23.  Water

        Any body of water such as streams, rivers, lakes and ponds.

24.  Miscellaneous Areas

        These include quarries, man made areas, etc.


The following mapped information may be obtained by contacting Loudoun County's Department of Mapping and Geographic Information, Loudoun County Government Center, 1 Harrison Street, SE, 2nd Floor, Leesburg, Virginia or calling (703) 771-5778.


      1.    Soil maps at a scale of 1" - 200' (Detailed Scale) these maps are corrected and redrafted. Soil Survey information available as overlays to the County's planimetric base map.

     2.    Soil maps at a scale of 1"- 1000' (Block Scale).

     3.    Type 1 Preliminary Soils Reports which include an on-site investigation, are available upon request from the County Soil Scientist in the Cooperative Extension Office. These reports can help the user to understand the potential of a specific site for any intended use.


In addition to mapped information, the following are a few sources of information about the soils and geology of Loudoun County:

1.   Soil Survey of Loudoun County, Virginia, Series 1951, No. 8, U.S. Department of Agriculture, September, 1960. Out of print; copies for cross reference are available at the Library, Natural Resource Conservation Service and the Loudoun Cooperative Extension Office.    

2.   Interpretive Guide to the Use of Soils Maps, Loudoun Cooperative Extension Office, Loudoun County, Virginia, 1997.

3.   Facilities Standards Manual (FSM), Loudoun County, Virginia, 1993.

        The FSM contains a discussion of soils and geotechnical matters, with types of investigations needed to review and evaluate soil problems.

4.   Detailed soil profile descriptions from pits and laboratory analyses conducted on samples are available from the County Soil Scientist. This information is highly technical and is of limited use to the lay person.

5.   Geologic Map of Loudoun County Virginia, USGS United States Geological Survey open file report 92-716 by W. C. Burton, A. J. Froelich, J. S. Schindler, and C. S. Southworth, 1992.

6.   Geologic Map of Virginia and Expanded Explanation, Virginia Division of Mineral Resources.

7.   Interpretive Guide to Geology and Groundwater in Loudoun County Virginia by the Department of Environmental Resources of Loudoun County 1993. No longer available.



This material is intended for planning purposes, as well as to alert the reader to the broad range of conditions, problems, and use potential for each mapping unit. A mapping unit (for example, "73B") is the County wide sum of all mapping delineations (all the "73B" areas in the County). For most mapping units in Loudoun County, the individual series in a mapping unit name (for example, "Penn" soils in the 73B mapping unit or "Purcellville" soils in the 23B mapping unit) may account for only 50% of the soils actually to be found in the mapping unit. The mapping unit potential use rating refers to the overall combination of soil properties and landscape conditions. Therefore, a mapping unit rated as having good potential for urban uses probably contains some areas that have much poorer potential. Conversely, a mapping unit rated as having poor potential for a designated use may contain areas with good potential for that use. In on-site investigations, work is completed with much greater detail and inclusions of good or problem soils are specifically identified.

The information in this guide will enable the user to determine the distribution and extent of various classes of soil and generally, the types of problems which may be anticipated. For example, for a proposed subdivision using individual wells and septic tank drainfield systems, a site with mostly Class IV soils is probably not a viable project; whereas one with mostly Class I soils probably is, and would warrant a detailed on-site investigation. For a proposed rezoning or subdivision utilizing central water and sewer facilities, a site with mostly Class IV soils should have a Type 1, preliminary soils review conducted to determine the extent of problem areas, followed by a detailed geotechnical investigation at the subdivision stage to assist in design review and construction.


The information in this guide is not intended for use in determining specific use or suitability of soils for a particular site. It is of utmost importance that the reader understand that the information is geared to mapping unit potential and not to specific site suitability. An intensive on-site evaluation should be made to verify the soils map and determine the soil/site suitability for the specific use of a parcel.


Soil properties and landscape features unique to a particular mapping unit can be used to describe that mapping units potential for certain generalized uses. The mapping unit potential ratings which are used are intended to indicate general information on soil and site properties for a single mapping unit or group of mapping units.

Mapping unit potential ratings and class criteria have been developed for the following three generalized uses:

These three mapping unit potential ratings allow the comparison of the relative compatibility among a group of soil and site properties and a group of similar uses.

This document contains discussion of use potentials for the three groups named above, including descriptions of potential classes, class criteria, and problems associated with each class. Additionally the criteria for hydrologic group are defined for use in storm water runoff calculations and map units that are dominantly hydric soils are identified.

This information is provided for use in conceptual planning and review, and as an organizational guide for site-specific investigations. The chief objective of mapping unit potential ratings for soils is to maximize the effective use of soil maps. The chief objective of interpretive materials is to spotlight potential soil problems for a variety of uses which may be proposed.


In this section, the soil mapping unit use potentials for general development (on central water and sewer) are discussed. These potentials apply generally to the group of soils occurring within any given mapping unit. Major engineering operations in and on soils in land-development operations were taken into consideration (these include, but are not limited to, roads, foundations, basements, building slabs, shallow excavations, use of soil as controlled fill material, and erosion/sediment control).

1. Soil/Site Criteria Used in Rating Mapping Unit Potential

    A.   Compaction rates at various moisture contents are determined generally by the amounts of sand, silt, and clay present, and how well this material is graded (particle size distribution).

    B.   Stability at various moisture contents is also determined by particle size distribution, kind of clay, amount of mica, kind of mica, etc. Such factors also determine the ability of the soil 
         material to resist sloughing at various slope gradients in the fill.

    C.   Plasticity and potential volume change (shrink-swell) of materials

    D.   Bearing capacity of compacted and in-situ material

    E.   Texture, particularly silt content

    F.   If used for dam construction, resistance to piping by compacted material; sealing qualities of parent material if in place

    G.   Nature of the various layers in the soil profile, whether or not they contain fragipans or clay pans, etc.

    H.   Kind of clay in subsoil and parent material; ability of these layers to withstand erosion

    I.   Landscape position, whether area receives seepage or is subject to ponding

    J.   Presence of seasonal water table or restricted drainage

    K.   Presence and characteristics of bedrock or stones in soil

    L.   Presence of recent alluvium

    M.   Presence in the limestone outcrop belt

    N.   Presence of soil materials subject to slippage (mountain colluvium)

    O.   Natural slope

    P.   Soil variability

2.  Classes

Mapping units in the Soil Survey of Loudoun County were grouped into one of four classes which reflected their use potential (good, fair, poor, and very poor). These four classes are defined elsewhere in this guide, but may be briefly described as follows:

    A.    CLASS I - Good potential; few major problems

    B.    CLASS II - Fair potential; problems can generally be corrected satisfactorily at low cost

    C.    CLASS III - Poor potential; major problems, many difficult to correct, and results may not always be satisfactory, regardless of other input

    D.    CLASS IV - Very poor potential; severe problems, some not correctable, and others requiring extensive and costly engineering solutions which may be unsatisfactory

3.  Factors

With the exception of Class I (good potential), all other classes have been subdivided into subclasses, with factor subscripts labeling the dominant problem area (not the sole problem area). These soil/site considerations were placed into six major factors, which are:

    1.    Slope……..S 

    2.    Boulder Content and/or Depth to Rock……..R

    3.    Wetness……..W

    4.    Flood Plain……..F

    5.    Plastic (shrink-swell clays) ……..P

    6.    Geomorphic stability (limestone/karst or debris flow area) ……..G







high to
very high
  • moderate
    to high
  • high
  • low to
  • a low

< 18" to
prolonged perched
water table
  water 30-
60" (short
<3 weeks)
< 60"
  • rocky land;
    > 25% of
    land surface
    covered by
    stones and
    rock outcrop
  • < 12" to
to non-
rippable rock
> 60"
> 25%
< 8%
  • mapping units over limestone conglomerate
  • certain mountain colluvial deposits on > 15% slopes
  • developed from recent alluvium
  • subject to periodic flooding
5.  Subclasses Defined

    A.   General Description of the Subclass

    These soils are found on convex ridgetops and side slopes in undulating and rolling landscapes with slopes ranging from 2-15%. They occur over red shales, sandstones, and conglomerates in eastern 
    Loudoun, and over greenstone, biotite schist, quartz-biotite, and granitic rocks in western Loudoun. Class/Subclass I soils have good surface drainage and are moderately well to well drained internally 
    for urban use. Shrink-swell potential is low to moderate; frost heave potential is moderate to low; depth to hard rock averages greater than five feet. These mapping units account for 33.5% of Loudoun 
    County's land area.

    B.  Problems Associated with the Subclass

    Mapping units in this class have soil and site properties generally considered good for general development on central water and sewer. Engineering problems common to many Class I soils are high silt 
        content and dense-in-place but rippable weathered rock materials. While some soils are moderately slow to slowly permeable, perched water which may occur in the soil is of short duration (less than 
        three weeks).

    C.  Potential Remedial Actions

    Soil-site characteristics (landscape, slope, drainage, plasticity, depth) are favorable, allowing highly effective low-cost engineering solutions to soil and water problems. The rock outcrops occurring 
        in some mapping units are generally few in number and often readily moved by conventional earthmoving equipment. Frost heave problems can usually be averted by using conventionally required footing depths.

    D.  Criteria of the Subclass

    Mapping units which predominantly meet most or all of the following criteria:
(1) low to moderate PVC (shrink-swell)

(2) more than 60" depth to seasonal water table

        (3) more than 60" depth to non-rippable rock

        (4) less than 15% slope 

Sublcasses Defined (continued)


            A.  General Description of the Subclass

            These mapping units occur on nearly-level ridgetops and sloping colluvial positions. Surface drainage is fair to good and permeability is moderate to slow. The majority of Subclass II WP mapping 
            units have high silt content soils, although these do not have high shrink-swell potential. Depth to hard rock is generally greater than five feet. Subclass II WP mapping units occur throughout the 
            County and account for 8.5% of Loudoun County's land area.

            B.  Problems Associated with the Subclass

            Mapping units in this subclass have a combination of wetness and soil stability problems which somewhat restrict their development potential. Overall, shrink-swell (or plasticity) of these soils is 
            low to moderate, and is generally not a problem. Frost heave potential is moderate to high. The major problem with respect to utilization of the soils in these mapping units is high silt content, which 
            gives rise to low bearing capacity when wet and high frost heave potential.

            C.  Potential Remedial Actions

            Soil problems associated with this subclass can be adequately corrected by appropriate engineering analysis and design. These mapping units can generally be effectively utilized by providing surface 
            grading and foundation drainage. In the case of colluvial soils included in this subclass, controlled fill is suggested to elevate structures out of low-lying waterflow zones. Most soils within 
            mapping units in Subclass II WP have adequate bearing capacity, either on rock or low silt content subsoils, at depths ranging from 20-40".

            D.  Criteria of the Subclass

            Mapping units which predominantly meet most or all of the following criteria:

               (1)  low to moderate shrink-swell (PVC)

               (2)  low activity silt fractions

               (3)  short-duration (under three weeks) perched water tables at 30-60"

Subclasses Defined (continued)


            A.  General Description of the Subclass

            Mapping units in Subclass IV R are generally described as miscellaneous land types which have stones and outcrops that occupy 15-50% or more of the soil surface. Many areas have only float rock 
            on the land surface, but some mapping units have bedrock at or above the land surface. Subclass IV R units occur primarily in the Catoctin, Short Hill, and Blue Ridge Mountains, and over diabase 
            or limestone conglomerate rock material in eastern Loudoun. They account for 9.5% of Loudoun County's land area.

            B.  Problems Associated with the Subclass

            Subclass IV R mapping units provide numerous development problems for almost any kind of construction. Considerable blasting may be required for both foundations and roads, and in many areas,
            particularly in eastern Loudoun, the soil between rock outcrops has a high shrink-swell type clay subsoil similar to that described in Subclass IV P. Removal of float rock more than 10" in diameter 
            from soil material is difficult and costly, particularly in more plastic soils. Stones and boulders make compaction and fine grading difficult unless removed from fill materials under roads and houses. 
            If left in backfill material, they can crush sewer and water pipes and break basement and foundation walls

            C.  Potential Remedial Actions

            Float rock, stone, and boulders should be removed from controlled fill materials. Stepped footings or steel-reinforced footings may be a partial solution to differential bearing capacity. Areas of 
            extensive bedrock outcrop or very large boulders should be left in a natural state. Where soils between stones and rock outcrop have wetness problems or high shrink-swell clays, see the remedial 
            action section under Subclasses IV W and IV P. Soil materials containing large stones should not be used as backfill over pipes or against foundation walls. Where development is proposed on these 
            mapping units, a geotechnical study should be used to address the potential problems and make design recommendations. 

            D.  Criteria of the Subclass

               (1)  more than 15% of land surface is rock outcrop or large boulders

               (2)  the probability of special-method rock removal from a site should any construction take place is very high


In this section, soil mapping unit use potential for individual septic tank and drainfield sewage disposal sites is provided. The potentials apply generally to the group of soils occurring within any given mapping unit. Major soil/site factors affecting use for drainfields were considered. These ratings may apply to selected alternative on-site, in-soil sewage disposal (such as low pressure or spray irrigation systems). However, since these systems are design and site specific, general ratings often do not apply.

1.  Factors Considered

        A.  depth to water table or natural drainage

        B.  whether area receives seepage and runoff water (colluvial areas)

        C.  whether area is subject to flooding (alluvial areas)

        D.  texture and structure

        E.  amount and kind of clay

        F.  thickness of the surface soil and thickness of subsoil or depth to friable, weathered parent material

        G.  nature of parent material

        H.  general depth to hard rock or restricting layer

        I.  past percolation tests of the soil and performance of septic tank drainage fields on this soil

        J.  steepness of slope (installation problem)

2.  Classes Defined

        A.  CLASS I - Good Potential

        These mapping units have a combination of soil and landscape properties that are most suitable for the broadly-defined use. The potential for finding suitable sites within these mapping units is good.

        B.  CLASS II - Fair Potential

        These mapping units have some favorable and some unfavorable soil and landscape properties, or questionable soil properties. Variability of conditions affecting use as drainfield sites is high and 
        predictability is low. Often these mapping units have soils which require percolation tests as one consideration to permit action.

        C.  CLASS III - Poor Potential

        Those mapping units have questionable and unfavorable soil and landscape features and/or unfavorable soil properties. Predictability within mapping units is fairly accurate, although a site may be 
        found on mapping unit inclusions (soils outside of the norm described for the unit). The majority of these mapping units are moderately deep soils over siltstones or crystalline rock, or are moderately 
        well to somewhat poorly drained soils on nearly-level ridgetops and mountain colluvial positions.

        D.  CLASS IV - Very Poor Potential

        These mapping units have highly accurate predictability relative to landscape and drainage features and properties. They have soil and/or landscape features that are generally considered unsuited for 
        satisfactory drainfield use. These mapping units include somewhat poorly to poorly drained colluvial soils (in swales and depressions), flood plains, soils with high shrink-swell (expanding clay) 
        subsoils, soils with prolonged high seasonal water tables and soils on greater than 25% slopes or very shallow to rock.


In this section, soil mapping unit potential for agricultural use is provided. Potential ratings are made primarily by soil characteristics; some ratings are influenced by observations of different crops on various soils and by actual yield data. The ratings applied indicate the most conservative use, although certainly not the sole use. Local conditions may strongly impact the use potential of an individual mapping delineation.

1.  Factors Considered

        A.  surface and subsoil texture, and general depth of each

        B.  natural drainage

        C.  response of soil to liming, fertilization, and other management factors

        D.  physical condition as influenced by texture, structure, kind of clay, etc.

        E.  kind of parent material as it affects the chemical and physical nature of the soil

        F.  depth to restricting layers (clay pan, fragipan, hard rock, Cr horizon, etc.)

        G.  water-holding capacity--plus ability of the soil to release this water

        H.  base exchange capacity--ability of the soil to hold and yet release nutrients to plants

        I.  characteristics of plant or tree root zone; shallow or deep-rooted crops; also type of root--tap or fibrous; tolerance to wet or droughty soils; food habits (e.g., alfalfa is a heavy user of calcium or lime)

        J.  presence of large quantities of toxic elements (e.g., aluminum or manganese)

        K.  air drainage

        L.  slope aspect

        M.  elevation
2.  Classes Defined

        A.  Class I - Prime Farmland

        These mapping units have a combination of soil and landscape properties that make them highly suited for use as cropland. They have characteristics which require only basic conservation 
        practices and short rotations. The soils in these mapping units generally have high inherent fertility, good water-holding capacity, deep or thick effective rooting zones, and are not subject 
        to periodic flooding. The estimated potential corn yield average is greater than 125 bushels per acre; although insufficient data are available at this time to project soybean yields, it is 
        estimated that these should fall in excess of 45 bushels per acre. This class also has good potential for use in grassland agriculture and forestry, and as wildlife habitat.

        B.  Class II - Secondary Cropland

        Mapping units in this class have soil properties or a combination of soil and site properties that limit their yield potential to marginal levels when used as cropland. Soils in these map units 
        are best used in medium to long rotations including grassland agriculture. Some map units may require intensive conservation practices (such as tile drainage, diversions, surface water management, 
        or strip cropping). Major features and properties include seasonal perched water tables; restrictive layers limiting rooting zones; stones and/or cobbles which limit water-holding capacity and affect 
        tillage, seed bed preparation, and harvesting; and abrupt textural change or bulk density change between the surface and the subsoil, which affects root penetration. The estimated long-term corn yield 
        potential of these map units is 80-125 bushels per acre. Soybean yields are estimated between 20-40 bushels per acre. This class also has good potential for use in grassland agriculture and forestry, 
        and as wildlife habitat.

        C.  Class III - Unique Orchard Land

        Map units in this class have a combination of soil properties and landscape features that make them uniquely suited for use as orchard lands or in various fruit production. These features include 
        aspect, air drainage or relief, natural fertility, and elevation to some degree. Many of the mapping units in this class also fit the criteria for Class II, and a few fit the Class I criteria. This 
        class also has good potential for use in grassland agriculture and forestry, and as wildlife habitat.

        D.  Class IV - Grassland Agriculture

        This class includes map units which are best suited to use as hay and pasture in grassland agriculture. Included in this class are map units with shallow soils on marginally steep slopes and soils 
        with drainage conditions not conducive to cropping. This class also has good potential for use in forestry or as wildlife habitat.

        E.  Class V - Woodland Use and Wildlife Habitat

        This class includes map units on very steep slopes, map units with very shallow soils on marginally steep slopes, and map units with substantial rock outcrop. The lands in these map units are best 
        left undisturbed in their natural wooded environment for use in timber production and wildlife habitat due to difficulty of maintenance of grasslands (as in rock outcrop land or due to erosion and 
        stability problems on steeper slopes with shallow soils). Many of these map units, particularly those on very steep slopes, are considered to be critical environmental areas and stream buffers. Other 
        areas include mountainside slopes, particularly where slopes are very steep. Although some map delineations within this class have been cleared and planted to pasture grasses, their best use is in 
        woodland and as wildlife habitat.      


This section provides a description of hydrologic soil group classes used in determining soil-cover complexes in Chapter 2 of Technical Release 55, "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds", prepared by the USDA Soil Conservation Service.

The hydrologic parameter (A, B, C, or D) is an indicator of the minimum rate of infiltration obtained for a bare soil after prolonged wetting. By using the hydrologic classification and the associated land use, runoff curve numbers can be selected. Runoff curve numbers are used for determining peak quantity and total volume of surface water runoff for given conditions.

Classes Defined

    1.  A - Low Runoff Potential

    Soils having a high infiltration rate, even when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of deep, well to excessively drained sands or gravels.

    2.  B - Soils with Moderate Infiltration Rate

    Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to moderately coarse texture.

    3.  C - Soils with Slow Infiltration Rate

    Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of soils with a layer that impedes downward movement of water, or soils with moderately fine to fine texture.

    4.  D - High Runoff Potential

    Soils having a very slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wetted, and consisting chiefly of clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils with a permanent high water table, soils with a clay pan or clay layer 
    at or near the surface, and shallow soils over nearly-impervious material.


ALLUVIAL SOIL       A soil developing from recently deposited alluvium and which exhibits essentially no horizon development or modification of the recently deposited material.

ALLUVIUM            Sand, clay, etc., deposited by flowing water, especially along a river bed (see OVERLAYS).


CAPPINGS            (See OVERLAYS)


CLAY                1) the smallest soil separate consisting of particles less than 0.002 mm in equivalent diameter, very sticky when wet, and 2) See TEXTURE (SOIL).

CLAY PAN            A dense, compacted layer in the subsoil having a much higher clay content than the overlying material, from which it is separated by a sharply defined boundary; 
                    formed by downward movement of clay or by synthesis of clay in place during soil formation. Clay pans are usually hard when dry, and very plastic and sticky when 
                    wet. Clays usually have high shrink-swell potential. Clay pans usually impede the downward movement of water and air, and the growth of plant roots.

COARSE FRAGMENTS    Rock or mineral particles greater than 2.0 mm (.079") in diameter, such as stones, gravels, or cobble.

    Rounded or Angular Fragments

    Gravel                      2mm - 3" diameter
    (collection of pebbles)
    Cobbles                     3 - 10" diameter
    Stones                      10" - 2' diameter
    Boulders                    2 - 10' diameter

COARSE FRAGMENTS    Flat on one side or one dimension much less than the other

    Channers                    .04"(2mm) - 6" long
    Flagstone                   6 - 15" long
    Stones                      15" - 2' long
    Boulders                    more than 2'
COLLUVIAL SOILS     Soils formed, wholly or in part, from colluvium, and generally found in swales and heads of drainageways or at the base of a steep slope. Most colluvial soils have a lateral 
                    seepage characteristic due to landscape position.

COLLUVIUM           A deposit of rock fragments and soil material accumulated at the base of steep slopes as a result of gravitational action (See OVERLAYS).

CR HORIZON          Mineral horizons or layers of weathered bedrock and saprolite such as granite, or partly consolidated soft bedrock such as sandstone/siltstone/shale, with bulk density or 
                    consolidation such that roots cannot easily enter. The material can be dug with difficulty with a spade and chunks of gravel size will disperse more or less completely, 
                    in overnight shaking with water or sodium hexametaphosphate solution. This horizon layer is equivalent to the material underlying the paralithic content of Soil Taxonomy 
                    (See PARALITHIC CONTACT).

DEPTH (SOIL)        Refers to depth below surface to a restrictive layer. This restrictive layer may be a Cr horizon, fragipan, rock, or other material which impedes the downward movement of 
                    water and may be non-penetrable by roots. Roots further than 4" apart, center to center, are not considered substantial penetration.

    VERY SHALLOW        0 - 10"
    SHALLOW             10 - 20"
    MODERATELY DEEP     20 - 40"
    DEEP                40 - 60"
    VERY DEEP           >60"

DRAINAGE (SOIL)     Generally, an interpreted characteristic of a soil which is a function of slope runoff and permeability. Soil drainage classes relate to the net effect of natural moisture 
                    regimes on the soil (See WATER TABLE). Classes used: 

    WELL DRAINED                        No indication of a seasonal water table or restricted drainage to 60"+ or into Cr horizon 8"
    MODERATELY WELL TO WELL DRAINED     Depth to a seasonal water table or restricted drainage is 40-60" below surface
    MODERATELY WELL DRAINED             Depth to a seasonal water table or restricted drainage is 18-40" below surface
    SOMEWHAT POORLY DRAINED             Depth to a water table(restricted drainage) is 8-18" below surface                               
    POORLY DRAINED                      Depth to a water table (restricted drainage) is 0-8" below surface

EROSION (SOIL)      The wearing away of the land surface by running water, wind, ice, or other geologic agents, including gravitational creep processes; classes recognized are:

    NORMAL              Less than 25% of the surface soil has been removed by plowing in the surface. Includes some depositional soils (colluvial and alluvial soils); has no numeric notation in legend
    ERODED              25-75% of the surface soil removed and plow layer consists of a mixture of surface and subsoil. May contain gullies which are shown by a symbol designation.(see MAP SYMBOLS)
    SEVERELY ERODED     More than 75% of the surface soil has been removed. The plow layer consists of mostly subsoil. Usually many gullies occur. Shown by a 3 (e.g.77C3 Nestoria Channery silt loam, severely eroded)

FLUVIUM             Alluvium deposited in a fan or delta due to decrease in hydraulic gradient or ponding effects, often locally reworked (See OVERLAY).

FRAGIPAN            A natural subsurface horizon with high bulk density relative to the solum above, seemingly cemented when dry, but when moist showing a moderate to weak brittleness.


LITHIC CONTACT              The zone in weathered rock below which rock materials have a hardness greater than 3 on Mohs Scale and are considered unweathered bedrock.

LITHOLOGIC DISCONTINUITY    A change in rock material in soils; in a soil profile, generally indicates that the upper portion of the profile has not developed in place.

LIMESTONE OUTCROP BELT      Those areas underlain by carbonate bedrock, including, but not limited to, Triassic-Jurassic conglomerate and Cambrian limestone dolomites, and which have landscape with 
                            carbonate bedrock outcrop, sinks, and sinkholes; solution channels in bedrock; and which often exhibit aspects of Karst or Karren topography.

MAP DELINEATION             A single area on a soils map depicted by the soil boundary line.

MAP UNIT                The collective of all soil map delineations of the same type (number) for a survey area (County). Map units may contain one or more soils which may vary considerably in their 
                        characteristics and use potential.

OVERLAY (CAPPING)       General term referring to soils formed in or from materials deposited during past geologic activity; may be alluvial, colluvial, or fluvial in nature.

PARALITHIC              Boundary of the soil-rock weathering zone below which contact with the mineral material is generally consolidated, but has a hardness of less than 3 
                        (Mohs Scale) and gravel-size chunks that can be broken out will partially disperse within 15 hours shaking in water or sodium hexametaphosphate solution; 
                        often referred to as weathered bedrock.

RELIEF                  The difference in elevation between the high and low points in a land surface (landform).

RESIDUUM                Unconsolidated and partially weathered mineral materials accumulated by disintegration of consolidated rock in place.

PERMEABILITY (SOIL)     Permeability is the rate of flow of water through a unit cross-section of saturated soil in a unit of time, under specified temperature and hydraulic conditions. In rating soils
                        as to their suitability for on-site sewage disposal systems, permeability tests (PERC TEST) are one of the basic criteria considered. Permeability classes are determined by data 
                        from Uhland core hydraulic conductivity. Soil scientist used the following sets of classes of soil permeability:
    Rates per Hour

    SLOW             Inches Centimeters
    1. VERY SLOW            <0.06           <.15
    2. SLOW                 0.06-0.2        .15-.50

    3. MODERATELY SLOW      0.2-0.6         .50-1.50
    4. MODERATE             0.6-2.0         1.50-5
    5. MODERATELY RAPID     2-6             5-15

    6. RAPID                5-20            15-50
    7. VERY RAPID           >20             >50

        *(These rates through saturated, undisturbed cores in a laboratory and are not the same as percolation tests done for the Health Deptment and recorded as minutes per inch)

SAND                    1) a soil separate consisting of particles 2mm-.05mm in equivalent diameter, individual grains can be seen and felt readily. 2) See TEXTURE (SOIL)

SILT                    1) a soil separate consisting of particles .05mm-.002 in equivalent diameter, having the feel of talcum powder when dry; 2) See TEXTURE (SOIL)

    Slope classes in the Blue Ridge (Western Loudoun County) are:
    A       0 -     2%       NEARLY LEVEL
    B       2 -     7%       GENTLY SLOPING
    C       7 -     15%      SLOPING
    D       15 -    25%      MODERATELY STEEP
    E.      25% +            STEEP

    Slope classes in the Piedmont (Eastern Loudoun County) are:
    A       0 -     3%       NEARLY LEVEL
    B       3 -     8%       GENTLY SLOPING
    C       8 -     15%      SLOPING
    D       15 -    25%      MODERATELY STEEP
    E       25%+             STEEP

SURFACE                 Topsoil, layer that is darkened by organic matter (generally less than 10" thick in Loudoun County).

SUBSOIL                 Subsurface layer in which maximum clay occurs; in most Loudoun County soils less than 40" thick.

SUBSTRATUM              The zone of weathered rock material (saprolite) or other weathered parent material below the surface and subsoil above hard rock.

TEXTURE (SOIL)          The relative percentage of the various soil separates (sand, silt, and clay) of soil materials less than 2mm in equivalent diameter, modified by 
                        coarse fragments, where present. The following is a partial list of USDA soil textural classes with the class limits:

    LOAM      Soil material that contains either clay or less and the percentage of silt plus twice the percentage of clay exceeds 30, and 52% or more sand or                                                      <7% clay, <50% silt & between 43- 52% sand

    LOAM            Soil material that contains 7-27% clay, 28-50% silt and <52% sand

    SILT LOAM       Soil material that contains 50% or more silt and 12-27% clay or 50-80% silt & <12% clay

    SANDY CLAY      Soil material that contains 20-50%

    LOAM            clay, <28% silt, and 45% or more sand

    CLAY LOAM       Soil material that contains 40% clay and 20-45% sand

    SILTY CLAY      Soil material that contains 40% or more clay and 40% or more slit

    CLAY            Soil material that contains 40% or more clay, <45% sand and <40% silt


The following section/chart contains soil mapping unit characteristics and use potentials for the following three categories:


            3.         AGRICULTURAL USE



Mapping Unit Potential Subclasses For Selected Uses

Water and
Depth to

Septic Tank
Drain Fields

Forestry and

use capabiltiy

2A Codorus
silt loam,


Very deep,
moderately well
drained brown and
mottled brown and
grey silty soils with
seasonal water tables
on level terrace
positions in the flood
plain; developed in
alluvium of mica-
bearing soils derived
from crystalline rock

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
3A Comus
silt loam,


Very deep, well
drained brown sandy
soils on convex
terrace positions in
the flood plain;
developed in alluvium
of mica-bearing soils
derived from
crystalline rock

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
4A Hatboro


Hydric soil

Very deep, poorly
drained dominantly
gray silty or clayey
soils with seasonal
water tables on
concave terrace
positions in the
flood plain;
developed in alluvium
of mica-bearing soils
derived from
crystalline rock

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
5A Rowland
silt loam,



Very deep,
moderately well to
somewhat poorly
drained reddish-brown
and mottled reddish-
brown and gray silty
and clayey soils with
seasonal water tables
on level terrace
positions in flood
plains; developed in
alluvium soils derived
from Triassic shale
and siltstone

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
silt loam,


Hydric soil


Very deep, poorly
drained dominantly
gray silty or clayey
soils with seasonal
water tables on
concave terrace
positions in the flood
plain; developed in
alluvium of soils
derived from Triassic
shale and siltstone

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
7A Huntington
silt loam,



Very deep, well
drained brown silty
soils on convex
terrace positions in
the flood plain;
developed in alluvium
of mica-bearing soils
derived from mixed
acid and basic rock

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
8A Lindside
silt loam,



Very deep
moderately well
drained brown and
mottled brown and
gray silty soils with
seasonal water tables
on level terrace
positions in the flood
plain; developed in
alluvium of mica-
bearing soils derived
from mixed acid
and basic rock

IV F - very poor
potential; subject
to flooding
IV - very poor:
flooding potential
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
10B Mongle

brief ponding,


Very deep, somewhat
poorly drained brown
and mottled brown
and gray loamy to
silty soils with
seasonal water tables
in concave
positions; developed
in alluvium and local
colluvium from mixed
acid and basic rock

IV W - very poor
prolonged high
water table
IV - very poor:
position and
prolonged high
water table
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
cobbly loam,

brief ponding,


Very deep, somewhat
poorly to moderately
well drained brown
and mottled brown
and gray silty soils
with seasonal water
tables in footslopes
positions; developed
in alluvium and local
and drainageways at
the base of
mountains; developed
in colluvium off soils
derived from mixed
acid and basic rock

IV W - very poor
seasonal water
IV - very poor:
position and
prolonged high
water table
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
13B Morven
silt loam,


Very deep, well
drained yellowish-red
and reddish-brown
silty soils with
intermittent seasonal
water tables in
concave positions
(swales); developed in
recent colluvium of
soils derived from
IV G - very poor

collapse of
pollution by
sinkholes & rock
IV - very poor:
position and
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
Manassas silt


Very deep, well to
moderately well
drained brown to
reddish-brown silty
soils with intermittent
seasonal water tables
in concave upland
positions (swales);
developed in recent
colluvium of soils
derived from Truassuc
siltstone and shale
II W - fair
potential; low
bearing capacity
& short duration
perched water
IV - very poor:
position and
flooding potential
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
Middleburg silt


Very deep, well
drained yellowish-
brown to brown loamy
soils with intermittent
seasonal water tables
in concave upland
positions (swales);
developed in recent
colluvium of soils
derived from mixed
acid and basic rock
III W - poor
potential; short
duration water
IV - very poor:
position and
short duration
water tables
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'


complex of very deep,
well drained
yellowish-red silty
Purcellville and
moderately deep well
drained, yellowish-
brown loamy soils on
convex upland
positions; developed
in residuum
weathered from mixed
granite gneiss and
metadiabase rock
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
II - fair potential:
depth to rock
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in
Purcellville and
greater than 30"
in Tankerville
2E, 3S


complex of very deep,
well drained
yellowish-red silty
Purcellville and
moderately deep well
drained, yellowish-
brown loamy soils on
convex upland
positions; developed
in residuum
weathered from mixed
granite gneiss and
metadiabase rock
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
II - fair potential:
depth to rock
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in
Purcellville and
greater than 30"
in Tankerville
3E, 4S


complex of very deep,
well drained
yellowish-red silty
Purcellville and
moderately deep well
drained, yellowish-
brown loamy soils on
convex upland
positions; developed
in residuum
weathered from mixed
granite gneiss and
metadiabase rock
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
III - poor
potential: depth
to rock and slope
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in
Purcellville and
greater than 30"
in Tankerville
4E, 4S


complex of very deep,
well drained
yellowish-red silty
Purcellville and
moderately deep well
drained, yellowish-
brown loamy
Tankerville soils on
convex upland
positions; developed
in residuum
weathered from mixed
granite gneiss and
metadiabase rock
II RS - poor

steep slope

depth to rock
IV - very poor or
no potential;
steep slopes and
depth to rock
V - forestry
and wildlife
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in
Purcellville and
greater than 30"
in Tankerville
6E, 6S


complex of very deep,
well drained
yellowish-red silty
Purcellville and very
deep moderately well
drained, strong brown
and mottled strong
brown and gray silty
Swampoodle soils in
broad, nearly level to
concave upland
positions; developed
in residuum
weathered from mixed
granite gneiss and
metadiabase rock
II WP - fair
seasonal water
II - poor
seasonal water
table, slow
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
2E, 4W
silt loam,


very deep, well
drained yellowish-red
silty to loamy soil on
undulating and gently
sloping uplands;
developed in
residuum weathered
from mixed granite
gneiss and
metadiabase rock
I - good potential I- good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
27C Airmont 
very flaggy


very deep, moderately
well drained
loamy soil with
intermittent perched
water tables and
stones on moderately
steep concave
mountain slopes and
benches; developed
in local colluvium
weathered from
coarse grained rocks
like sandstone,
quartzite and
IV W - very poor
seasonal water
IV- very poor;
fragipans and
prolonged high
water table
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
28B Eubanks 


very deep, well
drained reddish-
yellow to red loamy
soil on undulating
and gently sloping
uplands; developed in
residuum weathered
from mixed gneiss,
metadiabase and
other metamorphosed
grantic rocks
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
28C Eubanks 


very deep, well
drained yellowish-red
to red loamy soil on
undulating and
sloping uplands;
developed in
residuum weathered
from mixed gneiss,
metadiabase and
other metamorphosed
grantic rocks
I - good potential I - good potential II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
29B Eubanks 
loam, stony


very deep, well
drained yellowish-red
to red loamy soil on
undulating and gently
sloping uplands;
developed in stony
residuum weathered
from mixed gneiss,
metadiabase and
other metamorphosed
grantic rocks
I - good potential I - good potential II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
29C Eubanks 
loam, stony


very deep, well
drained yellowish-red
to red loamy soil on
undulating and
sloping uplands;
developed in
residuum weathered
from mixed gneiss,
metadiabase and
other metamorphosed
grantic rocks
I - good potential I - good potential III - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
29D Eubanks 
loam, stony


very deep, well
drained yellowish-red
to red loamy soil on
sloping uplands;
developed in
residuum weathered
from mixed gneiss,
metadiabase and
other metamorphosed
grantic rocks
I - good potential II - fair potential;

III - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
and Philomont 


complex of
moderately deep well
drained, yellowish-
brown loamy
Tankerville soils and
very deep, well
drained yellowish-
brown loamy
Philomont on convex
upland sideslopes;
developed in
residuum weathered
from coarse grained
granite gneiss
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
II - fair potential;
depth to rock
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in
Philomont and
greater than 30"
in Tankerville
4S, 3E
and Philomont 


complex of
moderately deep well
drained, yellowish-
brown loamy
Tankerville soils and
very deep, well
drained yellowish-
brown loamy
Philomont on convex
upland sideslopes;
developed in
residuum weathered
from coarse grained
granite gneiss
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
II - fair potential;
depth to rock
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in
Philomont and
greater than 30"
in Tankerville
4S, 3E
Philomont and


complex of very deep,
well drained,
loamy Philomont and
moderately deep well
drained yellowish-
brown Tankerville
soils on convex
upland positions;
developed in
residuum weathered
from coarse grained
granite gneiss
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
2S, 3S
silt loam


brief ponding

very deep,
moderately well
drained, strong brown
and mottled strong
brown and gray silty
soils with seasonal
water tables in broad,
nearly level to
concave upland
positions; developed
in residuum derived
from mixed acid
and basic rock
IV WP - very
poor potential;
seasonal high
water table and
areas of shrink-
swell clays
IV - very poor;
position and
prolonged high
water table
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
40C Catoctin
channery silt 


moderately deep, well
drained, strong brown,
shaley/silty soil with
few rock outcrops and
common flag stones
on convex
sideslopes; developed
from greenstone
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
III - poor
potential; depth
to rock and slope
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
between 2-4'
40D Catoctin
channery silt 


moderately deep, well
drained strong brown,
shaley/silty soil with
few rock outcrops and
common flag stones
on moderately steep
convex sideslopes;
developed from
greenstone schist
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
III - poor
potential; depth
to rock and slope
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
between 2-4'
40E Catoctin
channery silt 


moderately deep, well
drained strong brown,
shaley/silty soil with
few rock outcrops and
common flag stones
on steep convex
sideslopes; developed
from greenstone
II RS - fair
potential; depth
to rock
IV - very poor or
no potential;
depth to rock
and slope
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
between 2-4'


complex of deep, well
drained yellowish-red
loamy Myersville and
moderately deep, well
drained, strong
brown, shaly/silty
Catoctin soils on
gently rolling convex
developed from
greenstone schist
I - good potential II - fair potential;
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 4' in
Myersville and 2
to 4' in Catoctin
2E, 3E


complex of deep, well
drained yellowish-red
loamy Myersville and
moderately deep, well
drained, strong
brown, shaly/silty
Catoctin soils on
rolling convex
sideslopes; developed
from greenstone
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
II - fair potential;
permeability and
depth to rock
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 4' in
Myersville and 2
to 4' in Catoctin
3E, 4E
45B Fauquier 
silt loam,


very deep well drained
red clayey soils on
gently sloping
uplands in dissected
landforms; developed
from greenstone
I - good potential I - fair potential;
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
45C Fauquier 
silt loam,


very deep well drained
red clayey soils on
gently sloping
uplands in dissected
landforms; developed
from greenstone
I - good potential I - fair potential;
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
flaggy loam,


moderately deep, well
to excessively
drained skeletal
loamy soils with
many quartzite
flagstones and
boulders on mountain ridgetops
III RS - fair
potential; shallow
to rock
III - poor
potential; shallow
to rock
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 20 to 40"
flaggy loam,


moderately deep, well
to excessively
drained skeletal
loamy soils with
many quartzite
flagstones and
boulders on
moderately steep
mountain sideslopes
II RS - fair
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
III - poor
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 20 to 40"
Rock outcrop


moderately deep, well
to excessively
drained skeletal
loamy soils with
many quartzite
outcrops, flagstones
and boulders on
sloping to steep
mountain sideslopes
II RS - fair
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
IV - very poor or
no potential;
shallow to rock
and steep slopes
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 20 to 40"
52C Cardiff
Channery silt


deep, well drained
loamy soils with
common quartzite
flagstones and
boulders on mountain
sideslopes and
I - good potential I - good potential IV- grassland
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 40 to 60"
52D Cardiff
Channery silt


deep, well drained
loamy soils with
common quartzite
flagstones and
boulders on mountain
sideslopes and
II RS - fair
potential; depth
to rock and steep
II - fair potential;
depth to rock and
steep slopes
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 40 to 60"
52E Cardiff
Channery silt


deep, well drained
loamy soils with
common quartzite
flagstones and
boulders on mountain
sideslopes and
IV RS - very poor
potential; depth
to rock and steep
IV - very poor or
no potential;
depth to rock and
steep slopes
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 40 to 60"
55B Glenelg
silt loam,


deep, well drained
yellowish-red loamy
soils with common
quartz stones on
convex upland and
mountain sideslopes
and ridgetops
I - good potential I - good potential I- prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 4'
55C Glenelg
silt loam,


deep, well drained
yellowish-red loamy
soils with common
quartz stones on
convex upland and
mountain sideslopes
and ridgetops
I - good potential I - good potential II- secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 4'
55D Glenelg
silt loam,


deep, well drained
yellowish-red loamy
soils with common
quartzite flagstones
and boulders on
mountain sideslopes
and ridgetops
II S - fair potential;
II - fair potential;
IV- grassland
depth to hard
bedrock ranges
from 40 to 60"
or more
59C Airmont
loam, very


very deep, moderately
well drained
bouldery loamy soil
with intermittent
perched water tables
and stones on sloping
to moderately steep
concave mountain
slopes (swales);
developed in stony
and bouldery local
colluvium weathered
from coarse grained
rocks like sandstone,
quartzite and
IV WG - very
poor potential;
seasonal water
table, landscape
and stones,
slippage potential
IV - very poor;
position, stones
and prolonged
high water table
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
60C Sycoline-


complex of
moderately deep,
moderately well
drained yellowish-
brown silty (sycoline)
and shallow, well
drained grayish-brown
skeletal (Catlett) soils
with perched
seasonal water tables
on convex side
slopes; developed
from hornfel and
II R - fair
potential; shallow
soils over rock
IV - very poor
potential; shallow
to rock
IV- grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
between 20 to
40" in Sycoline
and 10 to 30" in
3E, 6S
60D Catlett
gravely silt


moderately deep to
shallow well drained
grayish-brown silty
skeletal seasonal
perched seasonal
water tables on
moderately steep
side slopes;
developed from
hornfel and granulites
III RS - poor
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
IV - very poor
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
IV- grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
between 10 to
60E Catlett
Rock outcrop


moderately deep to
shallow well drained
grayish-brown silty
skeletal soils with
many rock outcrops,
stones, gravels and
boulders on steep to
very steep side
slopes; developed
from hornfel and
IV S - very poor
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
IV - very poor or
no potential;
shallow to rock
and steep slopes
V- forestry and
depth to hard
generally ranges
between 10 to
7S, 8
62B Kelly-


complex of
moderately deep,
moderately well to
somewhat poorly
drained yellowish-
brown silty (Sycoline)
soils; and deep,
somewhat poorly
drained gray and
grayish-brown clayey
(Kelly) soils with
sesonal perched
water table on gently
sloping to nearly level
ridge crests;
developed from
hornfel and granulites
III WP - poor
potential; high
clays and
duration perched
water table
III - poor
potential; high
water tables
II- secondary
depth to hard
generally ranges
40 to 60" in Kelly
and 20 to 40" in
2E, 4W
63A Kelly
silt loam,


deep somewhat
poorly drained gray
and grayish-brown
claypan soils with
sesonal water tables
on gently sloping to
nearly level uplands
with low relief;
developed from
hornfel and granulites
IV PW - very
poor potential;
high shrink-swell
clays and
perched water
IV - very poor
potential; high
water table
IV- grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
40 to 60"
64B Legore


well drained very deep
brown to reddish-
brown loamy soils
with few stones and
rock outcrop on
gently sloping
uplands; developed
from diabase or
II R - fair
potential; rock
II - fair potential II- secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
64C Legore


well drained very deep
brown to reddish-
brown loamy soils
with common stones
and few rock outcrop
on side slopes;
developed from
diabase or basalt
II R - fair
potential; rock
II - fair potential IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
64D Oakhill
gravely silt

very stony


well to excessively
drained moderately
deep brown to
yellowish-red loam
skeletal soils with
many rock outcrop
and stones on
moderately steep
side slopes;
developed from
diabase or basalt
III RS - poor
potential; rock
outcrops and
steep slopes
III - poor
potential; steep
slopes and
shallow to rock
IV - grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
between 20 to
65B Montalto
silty clay


deep to very deep
well drained red
clayey soils with
common to many
stones and boulders
on convex gently
sloping uplands in
rolling landforms;
developed from
diabase or basalt
I - good potential I - good potential II- secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
66A Waxpool
silt loam,




Hydric soil
very deep somewhat
poorly to poorly
drained gray and
brown clayey soils
with seasonal
perched water tables
on nearly level upland
flats; developed from
IV PW - very
poor potential;
high shrink-swell
clays and
perched water
IV - very poor
potential; high
water table
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
and Jackland


complex of very deep
moderately well
drained yellowish-
brown to olive-brown
(Jackland) and well
drained strong brown
(Haymarket) soils
with perched water
tables on convex
ridgetops and side
slopes over diabase
and some basalt
IV P - very poor
potential; high
clays and
perched water
IV - very poor
potential; high
water tables,
II- secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
5E, 5W
and Jackland


complex of very deep
moderately well
drained yellowish-
brown to olive-brown
(Jackland) and well
drained strong brown
(Haymarket) claypan
soils with perched
water tables on
convex sloping side
slopes in dissected
landforms; developed
from diabase
IV P - very poor
potential; high
clays and
perched water
IV - very poor
potential; high
water tables,
IV- grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
5E, 5W
and Jackland

very stony


complex of very deep
stony moderately well
drained yellowish-
brown to olive-brown
(Jackland) and strong
brown (Haymarket)
claypan soils with
perched water tables
and common rock
outcrop on convex
sloping side slopes;
developed from
IV P - very poor
wetness and high
IV - very poor
potential; high
water tables and
high shrink-swell
V- forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
5S, 5S
69A Elbert
silty clay




Hydric soil
very deep poorly
drained soil in
developed from
diabase and basalt
IV PW - very
poor potential;
wetness and high
IV - very poor
potential; high
water table and
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
70B Leedsville
cobbly silt


very deep well drained
cobbly yellowish-red
and red fine loamy
soils on convex
gently sloping
uplands; developed
from residuum of
Goose Creek
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
70C Leedsville
cobbly silt


very deep well drained
cobbly yellowish-red
and red fine loamy
soils on convex
gently sloping
uplands; developed
from residuum of
Goose Creek
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
Panorama silt


deep well drained
reddish-brown silty
soils on convex ridge
crests and side
slopes; developed
from fluvium over
Triassic siltstones
and shales
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
72C Birdsboro


very deep well drained
red and yellowish-red
fine-loamy soils on
convex and straight
side slopes;
developed from thin
river terrace deposits
over siltstone
I - good potential;
few problems
II - fair potential II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 5'
73B Penn
silt loam,


moderately deep well
drained silty soils on
sloping convex
developed from
Triassic siltstones
and shales
I - good potential;
few problems
III - poor
perched water
II - secondary
depth to hard
generally ranges
20 to 40"
73C Penn
silt loam,


moderately deep well
drained silty soils on
sloping convex
developed from
Triassic siltstones
and shales
I - good potential;
few problems
III - poor
potential; shallow
to rock
IV - grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
20 to 40"
74B Ashburn
silt loam,


moderately deep
moderately well
drained yellowish-
brown silty soils with
seasonal perched
water tables on level
to gently sloping
developed from thin
fluvial cappings over
Triassic siltstones
II WP - fair
wetness and low
bearing capacity
III - poor
perched water
II - secondary
depth to hard
generally ranges
20 to 40"
76B Sudley-


complex of very deep
(Sudley) and
moderately deep
(Oatlands) well
drained strong brown
to reddish-brown
loamy soils on gently
sloping convex
ridgetops and upper
side slopes;
developed from
Triassic sandstones
and red
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6' in Sudley
and 20 to 40"
in Oatlands
2E, 3S
76C Oatlands
gravelly silt


moderately deep well
drained strong brown
to reddish-brown
loamy soils on
sloping convex side
slopes; developed
from Triassic
sandstones and red
I - good potential;
few problems
II - fair potential II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 20 to 40"
76D Oatlands
gravelly silt


moderately deep well
drained strong brown
to reddish-brown
loamy soils on
sloping convex side
slopes; developed
from Triassic
sandstones and red
II S - fair
potential; steep
slopes and
subject to
III - poor
potential; steep
slopes and
shallow to rock
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 20 to 40"
77C3 Nestoria
gravelly silt
loam, severely


shallow, well to
excessively drained,
eroded reddish-brown
loamy-skeletal soils
on steep convex
slopes in highly
dissected terrain with
gullies; developed
from Triassic
and shales
II R - fair
potential; shallow
to shale and
siltsone; little
soil material
available for
landscaping or
III - poor
potential; shallow
to rock
IV - grassland
depth to rippable
bedrock is
generally less
than 20" and
hard bedrock is
greater than 4'
77D3 Nestoria
gravelly silt
loam, severely


shallow, well to
excessively drained,
eroded reddish-brown
loamy-skeletal soils
on steep convex
slopes in highly
dissected terrain with
gullies; developed
from Triassic
and shales
III RS - poor
potential; shallow
soils over rock
and steep slopes
IV - very poor
potential; shallow
to rock and steep
V - forestry and
depth to rippable
bedrock is
generally less
than 20" and
hard bedrock is
greater than 4'
77E3 Nestoria
gravelly silt
loam, severely


shallow excessively
drained eroded
reddish-brown loamy-
skeletal soils with
gullies on steep
slopes along
developed from
IV RS - very poor
potential; steep
slopes and rock
IV - very poor or
no potential;
steep slopes and
shallow to rock
V - forestry and
depth to rippable
bedrock is
generally less
than 20" and
hard bedrock is
greater than 4'
78A Dulles
silt loam,


deep moderately well
to somewhat poorly
drained yellowish-
brown mottled with
gray clayey soils with
seasonal perched
water tables on nearly
level landscapes;
developed from fluvial
cappings overlying
siltstone and shales
IV W - very poor
potential; low
soils strength
and prolonged
perched water
IV - very poor
potential; low soil
strength and
perched water
II - secondary
depth to hard
generally ranges
40 to 60"
79A Albano
silt loam,


brief ponding


Hydric soil
deep poorly drained
mottled yellowish-
brown and gray
clayey soils with
seasonal perched
water tables in
concave landscapes
(swales); developed
in colluvium and
local alluvium of
soils derived from
Triassic siltstones
and shales
IV W - very poor
seasonal perched
water tables
IV - very poor
potential; high
water tables
IV - grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
40 to 60"


moderately deep well
drained brown to
reddish-brown loamy
soils on gently
sloping ridge crests
and upper side
slopes; developed
from Triassic acid
(arkosic) sandstones
and pebbly
I - good potential II- fair potential;
depth to rock
IV - grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
20 to 40"


moderately deep well
drained brown to
reddish-brown loamy
soils on sloping side
slopes in dissected
developed from
Triassic acid (arkosic)
sandstones and
pebbly conglomerate
II R - fair
potential; depth
to rock
II- fair potential IV - grassland
depth to hard
generally ranges
20 to 40"
cobbly silt


very deep moderately
well drained gravelly
strong brown to
yellowish-red loamy
soils with
perched water tables
on gently sloping
mountain toe slopes
and foot slopes;
developed from old
mountain colluvium
derived from acidic
II W - fair
perched water
III- poor
potential; high
water tables
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
cobbly silt


very deep moderately
well drained gravelly
strong brown to
yellowish-red loamy
soils with
perched water tables
on flat to concave
sloping mountain toe
slopes and foot
slopes; developed
from old mountain
colluvium acidic rocks
II W - fair
perched water
III- poor potential II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
silt loam,


brief ponding

very deep somewhat
poorly to poorly
drained gravelly
mottled strong brown
and gray loamy soils
on gently sloping
concave lowlands
along drainageways
at the base of the
mountains; developed
from old mountain
colluvium of mixed
acid and basic rocks
IV W - very poor
perched water
IV- very poor
potential; high
water tables
IV - grassland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
cobbly loam,


very deep well drained
gravelly red clayey
soils on convex
gently sloping
mountain side slopes
and foot slopes in
rolling landforms;
developed from old
mountain colluvium
derived from acidic rocks
I - good potential II- fair potential;
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
cobbly loam,


very deep well drained
gravelly red clayey
soils on convex
gently sloping
mountain side slopes
and foot slopes in
rolling landforms;
developed from old
mountain colluvium
derived from acidic rocks
I - good potential II- fair potential;
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
84B Lucketts
silt loam,


very deep well drained
yellowish-red to red
clayey soils on
undulating upland
with low relief;
developed partly from
cappings and partly
from residuum of
II G - fair
solution channels
may cause
collapse and/or
ground water

evaluate by
II- fair potential;
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
84C Lucketts
silt loam,


very deep well drained
yellowish-red to red
clayey soils on
undulating upland
with low relief;
developed partly from
cappings and partly
from residuum of
II G - fair
solution channels
may cause
collapse and/or
ground water
II- fair potential;
II - secondary
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
88C Lew
channery silt 
loam, stony


very deep well drained
brown soils on
concave sloping side
slopes in depressions
and on benches on
mountain side slopes;
developed from recent
mountain colluvium
derived from
greenstone rock
IV G - very poor
potential; subject
to slippage and
unstable when
III- poor potential V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
88D Lew
channery silt 
loam, stony


very deep well drained
brown soils on
concave sloping side
slopes in depressions
and on benches on
mountain side slopes;
developed from recent
mountain colluvium
derived from
greenstone rock
IV G - very poor
potential; subject
to slippage and
unstable when
III- poor
potential; steep
position and
laterally moving
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
89D Weverton
very flaggy
silt loam,


deep, well drained
loamy soil with many
quartzite flagstone on
moderately steep
mountain side slopes;
developed from
colluvium and
residuum of quartzite
IV G - very poor
potential; slippage.
mountain colluvium
deposits may be
unstable when
cut (graded);
proposals for
should be based
on a
II- fair potential;
depth to rock
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally ranges
40 to 60"
89E Weverton
very flaggy
silt loam,


deep, well drained
loamy soil with many
quartzite flagstone on
moderately steep
mountain side slopes;
developed from
colluvium and
residuum of quartzite
IV G - very poor
potential; slippage.
mountain colluvium
deposits may be
unstable when
cut (graded);
proposals for
should be based
on a
IV- very poor or
no potential;
steep slope
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally ranges
40 to 60"
silt loam,


very deep, well drained
reddish-brown to red
clayey soils on
undulating uplands;
developed from
III G - poor
potential for
collapse from
proposals for
should be based
on a
II- fair potential;
pollution potential
from sink
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
Rock outcrop


very deep, well drained
reddish-brown to red
clayey soils with
numerous rock
outcrops and
sinkholes on
undulating uplands;
developed from
IV G - very poor;
solution weathering
collapse of
materials and
pollution by
sinkholes rock
evaluate by
IV- very poor
pollution potential
from sinkholes
and rock
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
2E, 8
Rock outcrop


very deep, well drained
reddish-brown to red
clayey soils with
numerous rock
outcrops and
sinkholes on sloping
side slopes in
developed from
IV G - very poor;
solution weathering
collapse of
materials and
pollution by
sinkholes rock
evaluate by
IV- very poor
pollution potential
from sinkholes
and rock
V - forestry and
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
3E, 8
93B Hibler
silt loam,


rarely flooded

very deep, moderately
well drained
yellowish-red loamy
and silty soils with
gray in the lower part
and seasonal high
water tables on
convex river terrace
positions; developed
from alluvium of soils
derived from
sedimentary rock
II FW - fair
potential; high
sesonal water
table, flooding
III- poor
permeability and
high water table
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
94B Allegheny
silt loam,


rarely flooded

very deep, well drained
brown to yellowish-
red loamy and silty
soils with short
duration perched
water tables on
convex river terrace
positions; developed
from alluvium of soils
derived from
sedimentary rock
II FW - fair
potential; rare
II- fair potential;
I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
95B Goresville
gravelly silt 


very deep, well drained
red and yellowish-red
clayey soils on
convex high river
terrace positions;
developed from old
alluvium of soils
derived from
sedimentary rock
I - good potential I - good potential I - prime
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
98B Captina
silt loam,


very deep moderately
well to somewhat
poorly drained
yellowish-brown or
mottled brown/gray
and red clayey soils
with fragipans and
perched water tables
on nearly level river
terraces; developed
from old alluvium of
soils derived from
sedimentary rock
III W - poor
perched water
IV - very poor
perched water
IV - grsssland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'
99A Kinkora-


rarely flooded

Hydric soil

very deep poorly
drained mottled gray
clayey (Kinkora) and
moderately well
drained yellowish-
brown loamy
(Delanco) soils with a
seasonal water table on
concave to level terrace
positions over siltstone
IV FW - very poor
prolonged water
table and high
shrink-swell clays
IV - very poor
potential; water
IV - grsssland
depth to hard
bedrock is
generally greater
than 6'