Aerial Archive Tips

Panning and Zooming

Pan Click and drag the map to move it. The default mouse action on the map is panning.
Pan using Overview Map Click and drag the red box on the overview map to pan the main map.
Zoom to point Select the Zoom to point "Zoom to point" tool then click on the map.
Zoom out to full map Click the Full Extent "Full map extent" button.
Zoom with scroll wheel
  • Scroll the mouse wheel forward or up to zoom in.
  • Scroll the mouse wheel backward or down to zoom out.
Zoom Control buttons
  • Click the "+" on the zoom control to zoom in.
  • Click the "-" on the zoom control to zoom out.
Zoom in to an area Hold the Shift key down, then hold the left mouse button down and drag to draw a rectangle. The map will zoom in to the area of the rectangle.
Zoom in on mouse click Double-click the left mouse button to zoom in. Each double-click will zoom the map in one notch on the zoom slider bar.
"data not available" When "data not available" appears on the map, zoom out to until the imagery appears.


Additional Years of Imagery

Hard copies of aerial photos from the late 1980’s through 2008 may be available for viewing at the Office of Mapping. Please call the office to verify availability of specific tiles and years.

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