Summary Statement:
This metadata summary applies exclusively to the data as it appears in this Loudoun County intranet/internet mapping application. To see the fully FGDC compliant version of this metadata click here
This file contains every elementary school attendance zone for Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) and is valid for the current academic year only.
This data was created by the LCPS Department of Planning and Legislative Services to plan for classroom size and assign students to middle schools.
Supplemental Information:
School zone boundaries coincide with parcel boundaries. Data are stored in the corporate ArcSDE Geodatabase as a polygon feature class. The coordinate system is Virginia State Plane (North), Zone 4501, datum NAD83 HARN.
Maintenance and Update Frequency:
Completeness Report:
Features may have been eliminated or generalized due to scale and intended use. To assist Loudoun County, Virginia in the maintenance of the data, please provide any information concerning discovered errors, omissions, or other discrepancies found in the data.
ALD = ALDIE Elementary School ALG = ALGONKIAN Elementary School ARC = ARCOLA Elementary School ASH = ASHBURN Elementary School BAL = BALL'S BLUFF Elementary School BAN = BANNEKER Elementary School BST = BELMONT STATION Elementary School BUF = BUFFALO Elementary School CAT = CATOCTIN Elementary School CCE = CREIGHTON'S CORNER Elementary School CED = CEDAR LANE Elementary School CRE = CARDINAL RIDGE Elementary School CSP = COOL SPRING Elementary School CTY = COUNTRYSIDE Elementary School DIS = DISCOVERY ELementary School DOM = DOMINION TRAIL Elementary School EME = EMERICK Elementary School ETE = ELAINE E. THOMPSON Elementary School EVE = EVERGREEN MILL Elementary School FDE = FREDERICK DOUGLASS Elementary School FHR = FRANCIS HAZEL REID Elementary School FOR = FOREST GROVE Elementary School GPE = GOSHEN POST ELementary School GUI = GUILFORD Elementary School HAM = HAMILTON Elementary School HLS = HILLSIDE Elementary School HOV = HOVATTER Elementary School HRZ = HORIZON Elementary School HUT = HUTCHISON Elementary School KWC = KENNETH W. CULBERT Elementary School LEE = LEESBURG Elementary School LEG = LEGACY Elementary School LIB = LIBERTY Elementary School LIN = LINCOLN Elementary School LIT = LITTLE RIVER Elementary School LOV = LOVETTSVILLE Elementary School LOW = LOWES ISLAND Elementary School LUC = LUCKETTS Elementary School MEA = MEADOWLAND Elementary School MIL = MILL RUN Elementary School MSE = MOOREFIELD STATION Elementary School MTE = MADISON'S TRUST Elementary School MTV = MOUNTAIN VIEW Elementary School NLE = NEWTON-LEE Elementary School PMK = POTOWMACK Elementary School PNB = PINEBROOK Elementary School RHL = ROUND HILL Elementary School RLC = ROSA LEE CARTER Elementary School RRD = ROLLING RIDGE Elementary School SAN = SANDERS CORNER Elementary School SEL = SELDENS LANDING Elementary School STE = STERLING Elementary School STU = STEUART W. WELLER Elementary School SUG = SUGARLAND Elementary School SUL = SULLY Elementary School SYC = SYCOLIN Elementary School TOL = JOHN W TOLBERT Elementary School WAT = WATERFORD Elementary School WES = WAXPOOL Elementary School
LCPS boundaries and site locations change regularly. Call Loudoun County Public Schools Planning and Legislative Services for Verification.
Data Owner:
Loudoun County Public Schools